
Today I contacted the surveyor, asking him to please water the geraniums in the porch when he goes onsite to do a schedule of works for us.

Looks like I’ll be starting out in a new place with a reputation for being slightly bonkers already firmly established.

Hello world!

Never thought I’d do a blog, but due to the fact that I’m nearly 500 years old and my memory is what can generally be described as “a bit crap” I’m setting pen to paper so to speak….

My Darling and long long long suffering husband (MrC) and I are about to embark on an insane mission and I want to remember every bit of it, the good, the bad and the back pain, so voila, blog.

We’re moving from a comfortable town house smack bang in the middle of Norwich, to what the surveyor described as “a bit of a project”.  This, I’m thinking is surveyor speak for “what the fuck people, are you insane?”

It’s amazing though, 3 and a half acres of wonderful if “slightly” overgrown land to play with, a house of immense charm, 2 dodgy bathrooms a kitchen that heralds direct from the 1970’s and what is, basically, a bomb attached to the back of the house (a metal oil tank, with a rotten wooden cover on it).

We have lots of friends with useful talents that we fully intend to exploit and I thought as this goes on, they might enjoy to see this too, but for the moment, this is just for me.

We hope soon to finalise the mortgage and exchange contracts and the adventure will begin.

I’ve waited 44 years to fulfil my dream of owning my own pony, and soon  (well within a year, hopefully) it will happen.

MrC is already drawing plans for extensions and formal gardens, I’m just hoping we can get attached to main sewerage so I can poo with impunity (albeit on either a pink or avocado coloured toilet).